Internship - Low Latency Congestion Control in WebRTC

Low-latency congestion control in WebRTC - possible as part of Master thesis study

High latency over the network significantly reduces the quality of experience of real-time applications like gaming. Congestion control protocols, in particular L4S (IETF RFCs 9330-9332), address this challenge.

Start and end date as well as length of the internship are flexible and can be discussed.




Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering






Antwerp - hybrid


oday, when applications consume all available bandwidth, the queuing latency on the network increases a lot. Consequently, from time to time, a user on one end of a connection may need to wait for more than one second to notice what has changed on the other end.

Today, such noticeable excessive latency episodes do not happen very often, so that they can be endured. However, when the network is continuously utilized for live streaming of high-resolution content on multiple devices, such a fully utilized network condition will happen more frequently, possibly all the time.

This prevents metaverse and remote presence applications from being ubiquitously used, since excessive latency is detrimental to the user experience. Low-Latency Low-Loss Scalable Throughput (L4S) and its Prague congestion control overcome this challenge. The rate of all applications can be controlled by Prague congestion control using the feedback provided by the network, such that the aggregate fits in the network pipe without incurring additional queueing latency.

Prague congestion control needs to be built on top of existing protocols and stacks of Real-Time (RT) applications. This intern position will be responsible for modifying the WebRTC stack using RT-Prague congestion control for real-time communication and conducting experimental research across different networks (Wi-Fi, 5G, PON, etc.).

Gezocht Profiel

What you need for this internship is:

Basic understanding of WebRTC Basic understanding of multimedia coding Good understanding of relevant network protocols such as RTP, TCP/IP, etc. Good understanding of congestion control algorithms Demonstrated software programming proficiency (C/C++/Scripting/Linux) Fluency in English (both written and spoken) This internship can be part of a Master’s thesis.

Location: Antwerp (Belgium) - hybrid - period to be discussed with student

Please note that we are looking for a Master student living in Belgium (no relocation sponsoring possible) and that this is a non remunerated internship.
