International Cantus x Eko

Oct 12
12 Oct 20:00 - 13 Oct 00:00
Location: Waaiberg

This year we will open our international cantus series together with Ekonomika. First of all what is a cantus? This is a belgian (also dutch and german) tradition where students sing songs and drink beer with specific rules. The ticket gives you UNLIMITED BEER or SANGRIA for the time of the cantus! If you don't like beer that much, you can either choose sangria or take a ticket for water (which is cheaper of course). The cantus starts with the first song called Io Vivat: this means it starts at 8:30 p.m. The waaiberg is located right next to the fakbar 't ElixIr, you can't miss it if you look to your left before entering the fakbar.

  • Doors open 8:00 p.m.
  • First song: Io Vivat 8:30 p.m.
  • Location Waaiberg

Sign up Link: friday 06/10 at 06:00 p.m.