Delaware Job-in-a-day

Feb 28
09:30 - 16:00
Location: Delaware office Ghent

Looking for a first experience in Business or IT, but dreading long recruitment processes? We feel you.

We’re offering you a one-time chance to go through our full recruitment cycle while discovering the world of technology & consulting and experiencing our culture in just… one day 😉. Registrations close on 19/02, you can register via!

Is this something for you? It might be, if you’re looking for your first or second job experience and if you can identify with one of the profiles below. We’ll be recruiting for different delaware domains with different requirements during our Job in a Day, so we’ll match the position you’ll apply for with your background & interests. Being curious about consulting of course applies to everyone, as both our business & IT profiles are all client-oriented.

Business & IT consulting You have a background in business, economics, supply chain, logistics, CRM or another functional domain, but technology interests you as well. You’ll focus on analyzing, optimizing, and automating business processes by implementing a new IT solution. During Job in a Day we’ll focus on supply chain or CRM consulting.

IT consulting You have a background in the broad field of IT, and you’re interested in the technical side of consulting projects. Working with the latest technologies in the field gets you going. During Job in a Day, we’ll focus on cloud & infrastructure, ERP development and software integration.

When & where February 28th in our delaware office in Ghent. 9h30- 10h00: arrival & breakfast buffet 10h00 - 12h00: Get ready to learn about business & IT consulting in an interactive workshop and hop on to your first HR interview. 12h – 13h00: Time to lunch & the chance to get to know your future colleagues. 13h00 - 15h30: Get to know us better through a personalized office tour and information about our junior bootcamp. In between, you'll go have your final business interview. *15h30-16h00: you've gone through the full recruitment cycle and have a good sense of what it's like working as a junior consultant here. Time to conclude the day and unwind!

Triggered to join? That makes two of us.

Register in just 2 minutes and we'll be in touch!